Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Deactivating Facebook?

Lamanya tak tulis blog.
Saja nak update cerita setelah sekian lama.

Tajuk entry aku buat julung-julung kalinya adalah berkenaan deactivate facebook haha..
I've been very active in Facebook for so many years.
Semua benda nak cerita dalam tu. Letak gambar sendiri, gambar anak, semua benda nak cerita.
Check in sana sini pun nak cerita..
Kat ofis pergi kursus sana sini pun update.
Pastu segala macam mak nenek berita dan cerita aku nak share.
And I stumbled upon a video on YouTube about getting off the social media and the goodness you will get. Disebabkan oleh ketagihah Facebook ni dah macam ecstacy, I think I'd better slow down from the Fb.

Kat rumah asek pegang HP nak belek Fb saja. Bila anak rebut HP atau distract aku, mula lah nak marah. Sama ada sedar atau tidak, bila asyik dengan hp dan anak-anak distract kita, kita akan jadi nak marah sebab takleh fokus.

Selepas tu aku ada tengok ceramah Ustaz Shamsuri. Ustaz kata sudah-sudah la main game. Kan umur meningkat ni tak payah la dok ngadap tv sangat. (In my case, social medias since I don't really watch TV)

Yeah, betul pun. I have wasted so much time on these things especially smart phone. Jika kita check berapa banyak masa dihabiskan dengan smartphone, Fb dll, it is actually very terrifying!!!
Lepas tu dengan berapa banyak fitnah dalam facebook tu, komen2 kat Fb pun boleh tahan macam puaka. Ini tak masuk lagi dengan penyebaran fahaman liberal yang boleh menggugat iman. So I have decided to get rid of these things. Well at least Fb.

I have been deactivating Fb for 2 weeks. And you know what, it feels soooooooooo good to clear your mind from the craziness of Fb. Aku rasa Fb adalah pintu fitnah yang sangat besar. Bila aku deactivate, aku dah tutup satu lubang fitnah yang besar. Aku bukanla terminate terus. Ada banyak gambar2 yang aku sayang. Aku akan masuk sekali seminggu untuk cari seller online dan baca certain post yg aku minat macam post Prof Dr Imelda Balchin yang aku admire.

Seriously, I feel sooo good to not think about what appears on the wall. Anniversaries, birthdays, celebratios, etc, I don't wanna know too much about it anymore. And I don't wanna waste my time commenting on people's wall. I don't wanna know and I don't want to bother!!

All I want is to do something more beneficial and focus on what I am suppose to be doing. Decluttering from the social media is actually some sort of minimalizing of what you need to know. Don't waste your time thinking about other people's problem that won't be affecting you at all. Pendek kata, tak mau tau hal orang!! Before this I've minimizing my post on the wall and I only scroll down the wall. And after some motivations that I watched in  the YouTube,  I have decided to get away from it. I swear It feels soo good! You should try!

Another motivation for doing that is, after realizing how old I am now and I shouldn't be wasting my limited time. It's so sad if I die while browsing the Facebook! One of the trigger that motivates me to deactivate Fb is when my son said he don't play Fb anymore because there are so many bad people there. I will encourage my children to deactivate Fb too especially when they grow up.

I found out that I become more productive now. I don't take selfies to show off anymore because I can't post it on Fb as I used to. If I do, it is only for my family WA group. The rest, I don't have anything to show to the world. I have Instagram but it didn't really bother me. I never post anything. Just looking for online seller.

Let's just focus on my family, my work and to be a better servant of Allah.

See ya later!

Sunday, May 7, 2017

feeling guilty

Assalamualaikum guys....

Today I came to work with a bit of regret and guilt.
Nowadays I easily become godzilla at home, with the factor of tiredness of the chores.
And you look at the mirror and see yourself looking ugly, fat and dark, as if you were a maid. And I think a maid is even prettier.
Yesterday I nagged to my hubby because of the excessive load of the trash bin. When I nagged, my daughter interrupted my conversation, asking, " apa dia? apa dia?"
Well I wasn't in a good mood when fastening the trash bag and I cant't help but raising my voice and yelling at her for asking something not related to her.
I rarely yell at her, but when it happened, it hurt her a lot.
After putting the trash outside and cleansed my hand, I got into the room and found her sleeping. I knew she was upset and she wasn't really sleeping. Now I understand why our mom and dad warned us to jangan menyampuk when we were a child, because sometimes the situation is inappropriate for you to menyampuk, nak marah benda lain, and suddenly you became the victim, kan dah kena, huhu!!!!!
I apologized to her and told her don't interfere into our conversation next time because it is not suitable to ask many things because things could go wrong sometimes. Most of the times I am okay, but it seems that I was having my PMS yesterday hahaha... everyone in the house become the victims ehhehe..
I try my best to do the best to my children, to make them happy everyday but sometimes it turned the other way round since I am not perfect. Then blame yourself sob..sob..
Every morning when the children get up for school, I always give them some jokes to make them laugh in the morning. To give them a good mood as a kickstart of the day so they can begin their day with positive vibes. It is good to see her smile again this morning and I hugged both of them before they went to school.
To my children, I love you so much and forgive me for my wrongdoings, sorry for having this crazy mother. To my hubby, thanks for being patient.
Maybe this is the sign of aging

Monday, February 20, 2017

It's the end of February!!!

Assalamualaikum semua,

ayyohhh lama tak menulis..
tiap kali nak masuk ni aku terpaksa regenerate password sebab lupa hahaha....
apa khabar korang semua?
alhamdulillah aku dan family baik2 sentiasa...
Aku tulis entry ni atas permintaan anak2 ehehhehe, they want me to write again, so now I write for them.

Nak tulis pasal apa ye?
ehhehe aku rasa nak tulis pasal lambakan produk kecantikan yang berlambak di pasaran.
Kalau tengok sekarang ni, business jual produk kecantikan sangat menguntungkan. Tokey dia boleh jadi jutawan, stokis semua berpendapatan sampai 5,6 angka. Masyukkkkkk.....
Tapi aku ada sedikit rasa skeptikal dengan produk2 ni especially yang terlalu mahal. Kalau perhatikan, produk2 ni mahalnya lebih daripada produk yang well known dan dah establish.
Kalau produk L'oreal jual dalam RM40, produk depa ni kadang2 tu sampai sekali ganda harganya,.
Good thing is that, boleh menjana pendapatan, dan menggalakkan kaum wanita menjaga body, jaga rupa, dan jaga dalaman.
Cuma bagi aku, aku berasa kedekut kadang2 ehhehe. Kedekut tu nombor dua. Tapi nombor satu tu sebab aku risaukan kesan sampingannya.
Kakak aku specialist bahagian radiology, dia ada kawan2 pakar kidney. Katanya, kawan2nya dah bising-bising dengan kes kerosakan kidney yang naik secara mendadak ni. Lagi-lagi golongan muda.
Kebanyakan kes ni bila disiasat, diorang ni ada consume produk macam2, telan macam2. Kalau korang tak caya, try pegi tanya doktor-doktor kat hospital.
Jangan terpedaya dengan iklan, kononnya nak membantu orang tua sakit lutut dan macam-macam, suruh beli produk keluarannya supaya mak ayah boleh beramal ibadat dengan baik. Tapi hati2 ya, jangan kerana iklan, nanti mak ayah kita jatuh sakit sebab makan produk macam2 ni ya!
Patient kakak aku sendiri, ada masalah kerosakan hati. Tanya makan apa, tak mengaku, Korek punya korek rupanya ada makan produk rupanya.
Aku juga ada tengok kawan2 yang jual pil kurus. Bila makan pil ,terus takde selera nak makan, dan jadi kurus cantik molek, putih melepak. Pil kurus ni kebanyakannya mengandungi sibutramine, yang merangsang otak korang, sebab tu korang tak rasa lapar.

Awas ya, korang boleh google sendiri, antaranya adalah tulis Dr Zubaidi

Aku ada terbaca, kalau diambil berlarutan, pil kurus yang mengandungi sibutramin ni boleh menyebabkan gila. Korang tak takut ke, bila makan pil tu, terus tak lalu makan. Lepas tu kat botol tu bukan tulis pun kandungan pil tu. Cantik, putih, gebu, tapi rosak buah pinggang, korang nak??
Sebab tu sekarang aku berbalik kepada home made jamu saja. Kakak aku memang marah kalau tau aku beli produk2 macam2 ni. So aku dengar kata dia la heheheh...
Sekarang ni aku buat sendiri jus asam kunyit tu. Rasanya dah cukup femes dah resepi tu. Lain kali aku update. Kesibukan dengan family kadang2 aku tak sempat nak buat, tapi kalau buat satu balang tu, boleh tahan berminggu-minggu letak dalam peti ais. Aku rasa jamu asam kunyit sedap dan kurang horrible berbanding jamu yang pahit tu.
Oklah, nanti aku tulis lain.
Ehh anak aku boleh faham ke ni entry pasal jamu hahahahha

take care of your health uolsss......