Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sepetang di bendang

Their daddy are practicing photo shooting in the padi field...It has been a while we haven't going outdoor taking pictures, still an amateur photographer...when he learns shooting, we are the actors heheheee....these kids love playing around the bendang, their grandpa is also a farmer and I want them to get used to these environment..they should live like a kampung boy, bukan orang bandar ehh!! They should know how padi looks like, how a buffalo looks like and how a lintah looks like....yesterday they found lintah bulan, and that was the first time they saw it!!!Faiz asked me , "what is that?".."That's Gary!!! ", I replied.....(actually Spongebob's pet is a snail but sometimes it looks the same instead of the heavy load on their back!). I can't live in such place like KL with buildings around, with hectic lifestyle, traffic jam all the time!!! And their children keep eating fast food everyday...I do eat fast food but once in a month, this year we've got pizza for once!!! I just love kampung.....great place....

Petang tadi sempat shooting kat sawah padi sebelum ke pasar malam...I love the scenery...


  1. seronoknya jd orang utara dapt lihat bendang.Kt kg kita bendang jd rumah semuanya.

  2. hehe hari-hari tengok bendang, cuma tak tahan kat sini panas, kena pakai sunblock hehee
