Thursday, August 11, 2011

Wait for me Ramadhan!!!

OMG! Dah 12 hari puasa!! Tungguuuu!!! Don't leave me too soon!!! There not so much good things I have done in this blessed month....

I am sorry for myself...I always feel tired and couldn't do much at night when all the people out there staying up the whole night of Ramadhan doing the Qiamullail....tadarus etc.... me.....I just need energy to boost up my work...I already felt sleepy as early as as 9 pm, I couldn't sleep earlier either because the kids got too much energy(excessive!!) to go to bed early...what should I do...rugiiii.......

it has been 39 days since Wan had left
you always woke up in the middle of the night praying for me...but me.....hopeless.......


  1. salam,sambil bersilaturahim di alam maya nie,ingin juga rasanya sy mengetahui,puan tinggal dimana,(pendang spesifik area mana)...hahhahaa

  2. Salam anak pendang,saya bukan tinggal di pendang,tapi arau,kat s.petani rumah mertua...selalu juga masuk blog anak pendang,kagum dengan anak pendang(fuad hehe) buat kerja2 agama,bukan senang kan nak tinggal family
